Monday, February 2, 2015

The Gap Disappears

There's a lot of good stuff to be said about the girls becoming older.  They can dress themselves, mostly feed themselves, look after their belongings (I live in hope with hats and memory sticks), contribute to the household, be left alone for a little while, have a good conversation and laugh at my jokes.

But recently I have noticed one thing.

The Gap has disappeared.

The Gap between when I go to bed and when they go to bed.

The Gap where I can watch some bad telly, chill out on the couch, write blog posts, hang around on social media, chat with Chris, read War and Peace in peace (side note - this is our bookclubs book for this month - BRING IT) and eat the secret cupboard chocolate.

They are going to bed at the same time or AFTER me.  It is late at night and there are still children wandering around the house.

I know I have to get used to this - if I want them to grow to be adults then they should probably have more freedoms and responsibilities.

I will have to find another time for my Gap activities....

and never reveal where the chocolate is.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


I made a big promise/resolution/decision in January - that I would try and swim a kilometre a day.  For as long as I could.

I have done one month of this - and have averaged about 5/7 days in a week of swimming a kilometre.  Heading into my second month.  Which should be a little easier because swimming squad has started again.

In term four 2014 I joined the local primary school swimming squad, and swum with the grade sixes.  That's about the level I am.  Each training session I do about 1.6 km - including BUTTERFLY.  I am trying to do 100 metres of butterfly in a row (with flippers).  Getting there.

Swimming is so good for me for heaps of reasons - it doesn't impact on any of my joints, I can spend the time praying and thinking and writing scripts in my head (hmmm wish I had a waterproof notepad to jot down ideas), there are no screens involved, my lung capacity is improving, my mental health enjoys it, and it is toning up all of my muscles.

I am getting big swimmers shoulders...but I kind of had those already.  Now I just deserve to have them.

I am going to see if I can keep this up for term one.  And crack the three digit weight barrier as a side effect.

Just keep swimming.....