Sunday, May 26, 2013

story action

Last week we at Wide Eyed Stories had the privilege of helping out with a family service at Taringa Baptist.  It was great fun, and the kids got involved and everything!

I rocked it out with the ukelele.   I now know 10 chords - oh the possibilities!

That's my hand inside Dizzy.  She was being pretty feisty last Sunday morning.  I talk about her like she is not me.  She is a completely different character.  Completely different.  I would never dream of being as rude as her.  Although I do help her think of her best lines, so the cheekiness must be lurking inside me...

I enjoy doing puppeting very much.  Trying hard to work out how I can make this a full time job - Sesame Street give me a call if there is an opening...

In the meantime I am kicking some goals at work - kids are communicating and stepping along their pathway to being great talkers.  I have been so proud and pleased at some of the students over the last week, for example, when one of the students used his PODD book (book with laminated pictures symbols to point to) to tell me the monster I had drawn him was annoying and scary.  Completely appropriate.  Especially considering my drawing skills.  I would also choose annoying and scary as describing words.

I am spending a lot of time scripting and planning at the moment.  A few shows and our church holiday program are coming up.  Ideas are bubbling.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

loving the flea market

Last Sunday the girls and I went to the flea market.  It's a great place to hang out on a crisp morning.  I got sucked into buying a box of mandarins for $3 - so the girls have been made to eat four mandarins a day.  It makes packing lunches easy.  They had a mandarin fueled Naplan week.

I picked up this bike trainer for ten bucks that attaches to my bike and gives it resistance.  I plan to cycle a whole lot of nowhere in front of the TV, hopefully burning off thigh diameter.

I also realised that last week I wore clothes to work pretty much all from the flea market.  I looked professional enough....

I think there is probably enough stuff in the world already.  Trying to buy second hand where possible helps.  But I am inconsistent with this.  I buy new stuff as well and contribute towards globalisation and downtrodden workers.

Tonight we are going to a 40th birthday party where the host has indicated no presents.  That's what I plan to bring - nothing.   It always end up that I take the 'no present' thing seriously and have empty hands, and everyone else just brings a little 'something'.  Hang on, I have just had a brilliant idea.

I will bring mandarins from the markets.

Friday, May 10, 2013

my favourite....

I have started back at work over the last couple of weeks.  It has been really rewarding seeing some of the kids and the flashes of progress they have made.  I subjected one child to my happy dance when she communicated using a two symbol combination at morning tea.  This was big for her.

But I have been thinking as I spend time in a workplace and use the facilities - does anyone else have a favourite toilet at an often visited place?  At my work I always go to the one on the right.  I feel weird, underperforming and unsettled in the left toilet.  And at church I always go to the one on the far right.  Almost to the point if there was someone already in it and the other one was spare, I would wait for the right sided loo.

Am I old?  Fixed in my ways?  Slightly on some spectrum?  I did find a slight Morticia streak of grey in my hair the other day and promptly dyed my hair red.  Age is Approaching.

Does everyone else have much more carefree loo visiting habits?

Am I weird?