Friday, May 6, 2011

something funny at morning tea

So I have to share a fantastically funny moment that happened to me at work this week.  Brought to me by the amazing mind of a four year old.

I was having morning tea with two young ladies at the early childhood development unit on Tuesday.  Everyone else was outside playing as they had quickly scoffed their morning tea, but these two girls and I were just sitting around, shootin' the breeze and practising communicating with a PODD book.  Neither of the two girls was verbal, but they were great communicators in every other way.  I was showing them how to navigate between the pages of the book, and find the symbols that we needed to talk about the topics we wanted, like the approaching storm, fashion, economics, Doctor Who (by the way very excited about the new series) and what we were eating for morning tea.  However, being a generic book we were working with, it did not have symbols for any of the morning tea that we were eating.  The page looked a lot like this...
What are we to do? I bemoaned out loud.  How can we say that I am having a cracker for morning tea?  The DRAMA.

Very carefully one of the girls snapped off a piece of the cracker she was eating, put the piece in one of the squares on the page, and pointed to it.

Then smiled beautifully at me.

Then we giggled and laughed and put bits of all our morning tea on the blank squares and told each other by pointing what we were eating.

Some days my job rocks.

Hopefully that did not break too many rules of using a PODD, because maybe the PODD police will get me....

1 comment:

  1. That is soooo cool
    What clever little girls


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