Tuesday, December 6, 2011

parenting decisions I regret

Actually this might turn into a series of parenting decisions I regret.  But the latest one occurred yesterday.

The girls had been sharing a room for the last term - just on trial.  Unfortunately there was too much fighting discussion happening at night time.  So we decided to move them back into separate rooms.  And swap the rooms.  And I decided this at 4.30 on a weekday afternoon before we had to go out for an end of year dinner at 7 pm.  And after we had already all had meltdowns about decorating the Christmas tree.

So we moved furniture and toys and clothes, and left the house in massive upheaval.  Written submissions of plans for rooms were submitted with most proposals being rejected by the logical mastermind (Chris).  Chris, incidentally, coped very well with three tired hysterical females moving furniture everywhere.  It also involved emptying and moving a fishtank.

In hindsight this job would have been best left for the holidays.  I am too task focused sometimes.  But it is done now.  And I have learnt my lesson .... again... about doing things at the right time.

Which is not when everyone is hungry, tired and grumpy.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo a new blog! I 'm so glad that I" encourage" you!


Love to hear from you...just so I know there is someone out there!