Gosh we look young in this photo. Chris' hair! My waist! No wrinkles!
I have a theory. It is called the "windscreen theory". Just like when you drive and you look THROUGH the windscreen past all the bugs and cracks and smears of slime to the road ahead - a person's face is like a windscreen, You look THROUGH what they look like to the road ahead, to how they treat others and what shines beneath. Sometimes I even forget what people look like, and only when I take a step back do you realise how they have changed - because you are concentrating on the person inside. That's how is is with your husband of I think. I don't see the cracks and the smears - I see the one I love.
He has been a wonderful husband - loyal, caring, dashingly handsome. He is a good leader and makes wonderful curry.
He helps me to fly with my ideas and projects and puts a healthy dose of realism into some of my more farfetched schemes.
It's interesting in couples how they end up working as a team. Often one person does the money more than the other (Chris). Or thinks up the crazy ideas (me). Or considers decisions carefully (Chris). Or impulsively gets a puppy (me). Or does things at the last minute (Chris). Or is prepared two weeks ahead of time like a girly swot (me). It's good how that works out.
He follows Christ and cherishes our family. He fixes things and quietly makes awesome stuff happen. 'Ask Chris Pine' is a phrase used by many many people.
He is an excellent father putting his girls high up and parenting them with grace and truth.
This journey is long. And I am glad, blessed and grateful he is by my side.
Because he is also very silly like me.