Sunday, November 11, 2012

all rounder

I have been watching Annika do a lot of stuff over the last couple of days.  It is my role as spectator-mum - encouraging from the sidelines (but not too loudly because that is SO embarrassment), driving her to events, making sure she has all the correct equipment.  I feel so proud of her and get excited about who she is becoming.

Band girl.

Softball girl.

pitching!  a softball!  Aunty Gen (who had come to watch as well) was beside herself (probably with eagerness to get on there and show them how it was done)

hitting! a softball!

catching! a softball!

Friend girl!

My girl.

And did you notice my tricky 'Paint' techniques with the photos?  I thought so.  Classy, hey.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, nice photos
    She let you take them and upload them- winner!


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