Friday, February 15, 2013

too much drama

Yesterday I popped into a friend's house after school to practise a short drama for church on Sunday.  It was all going swimmingly - we learnt our lines, we had a cup of tea and a nice chat, and I started saying things like 'I must  go now and start rustling up some dinner' (side note - have recently discovered Jamie Oliver - only about 15 years later than everyone else - but I am very much enjoying cooking my way through 15 minute meals.  Not that I would say I was a cook by any stretch.  But I am competitive and I like seeing how close I can get to doing the meal in 15 minutes.  Last night's took 25 minutes - but I had not defrosted the meat and had to wait until the microwave did it's work).

Anyway, just as I was about to leave I noticed Scooter (who I had brought around to play with their dog) was sporting a brown ruff instead of a white one.  And there was a malodorous miasma wafting from her direction. I put her into the car - but then realised there was no way we could possibly drive home and breathe the same air that she was inhabiting.  We searched around for the cause of the stink.

The dog had tipped over a container of Charlie Carp (liquid dead fish) and rubbed herself all in it. 


Usually Charlie Carp is diluted a capful to twenty litres.  Our dog had about 250 ml adorning her neck.  She smelt like she had been dragged up from the dead fish sewer.

We decided to bath her - a wet dog in the car is slightly better than a very stinky one.  While we were bathing her the girls were waiting for me on the grass out of the front of my friend's house.  Where Gab got two stings by ferocious greenants.

So I had a wet still smelly dog, a crying child, and hungry bellies.

We quickly made our exit, wafting Charlie Carp down the streets of Brisbane as we drove home.

It was a little too much drama for one afternoon.

I thought I smelt lovely with dead fish around my neck.  The perfume of the cods.

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