Wednesday, December 1, 2010

mickey stories; chapter four

I have a small friend called Mickey.  He is very inventive and cheeky.  I have taken it upon myself to write up the stories of Mickey's life as they need to be told and remembered.

He is currently five years old but this story is from when he was two.

Mickey was in the bathroom at home for a very long time, being busy at something.  His mother assumed it was just some long business, but after about fifteen minutes she came to check what he was doing.

Remember he was only two at the time - so the literacy skills are pretty high.

Fortunately his mum remembered to take a photo of his handiwork - and this is what he had done.

"HI" back at you Mickey.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. (sigh)"Ahhh" so he's the original libra pad man- "SCHWING!"


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