Every year around this time we are madly getting organised for Christmas stuff. I know, I know - crazy hey? But it seems to happen every year, so here we are.
Part of being at school is being in a class. And part of being in a class is handing out treats for your friends and writing cards at Christmas. So my girls have been busily writing meaningful 'to-from' cards - the younger one has been decorating her envelopes with beautiful drawings, and I thought I had the treats thing covered by buying cheap candy canes a month ago.
Apparently not good enough.
I made the mistake of making little holly things last year (and the year before) for the friend treats. And now they are expected. I couldn't get away with $2 shop candy canes. Holly things it is.
Here's how you make them.
Gather supplies - Jaffas, mint leaves, red and green cellophane, locate the only pair of scissors in the house, and sticky tape.
Twist one jaffa in a square of red cellophane and two mint leaves each in their own green cellophane.
Then twist them together to look like a little branch of holly and tape up the sucker.
Try not to eat too many mint leaves.
I made 20. My oldest daughter made six.
In case you are interested it takes one packet of green cellophane and one of red, half a packet of jaffas, and one packet of mint leaves to do a class of 26 kids.
My oldest daughter is probably right - they are more interesting than candy canes that someone just bought from the shop.
Do you think my four packets of candy canes will last until next year?
Ants are partial to candy canes. Even the ones that don't get nibbled still taste of ant.