Tuesday, November 23, 2010

my daughter...the star

My oldest daughter performed in the school musical tonight.  She had a MAJOR role - well, she had some lines and a song.  She did fabulously, and I had many proud mummy moments.  She played the role of 'Simple Simon' in a musical about nursery rhyme characters and a birthday cake for Old King Cole.  I was amazed at all the kids remembering their lines and entrances for an hour and a half.  And I was amazed at the teacher's dedication to the kids.  And I was amazed at how surprisingly good it was for a primary school musical.  And I was amazed at the kid that decided to do laps of the hall for the last ten minutes of the show - he was an audience member with the wriggles I guess.

All those times spent sitting in the lounge room watching her 'shows' have been worth it.

She has become an attention seeker like her mother.

a proud sister moment
a proud grandma moment


  1. GO ANNIKA!!! and goodness gracious she couldn't look more like Chris unless she was him. Fantastic photos xx

  2. You don't think her father dislikes getting up in front of an audience? Guess she gets it from both sides. I hear she did fantastically. Well done Annika girl.


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