Monday, November 22, 2010

show in translation

On Sunday wide eyed stories was invited to come and perform at the family service at the chinese methodist church.  A translated show.  Into chinese.

We had to send the script a couple of weeks beforehand so they could subtitle our show, and for the action parts we had a live translator.  I had that experience when you are being translated of saying one word and listening to the paragraph of translation.  And the opposite one of when you say a whole sentence and the translator says one or two words.  And the embarassing situation when you have a go at a chinese word and get it completely wrong in front of a crowd of two hundred people.

It was very exciting and the church made us feel very welcome.  But very difficult to not improvise (only slightly!) with a puppet.  Oh the jokes I thought of and didn't say!  Wasted gold!

It was a wonderful experience, and confirmed to me that we are all part of one family in God.  I handed someone my camera and asked her to take a couple of photos.  My camera was returned at the end of the service with 80 photos capturing every moment.  Fantastic.

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