Tuesday, November 16, 2010

when communication happens

I am going to go on an excited speech therapy rant again.  Stick with me. 

Today at school the teacher and I introduced a PODD (Pragmatic Organised Dynamic Display) book to her class.  This is basically a big book of small symbolic pictures, all laminated and colourful, arranged in category pages eg  an ouside activites page, a cooking page, a feelings page etc. 

All except one of her kids have no words yet, and so we are encouraging vocabulary growth and understanding.  And we decided to use this symbol book to help us.  Basically you point to the pictures as you talk, and to communicate back the kids point to the pictures.
So I started telling the story, using the PODD book, of my sailing adventures and how I go a big bruise on my arm. And one kid pulls the book over and points to 'hurt' 'arm'.  And then I go on to tell them using the book that I had forgotten my lunch today, and what should I do.  Another child, who has not communicated with me all year with words or signs or pictures or even eye contact, pulled the book over and pointed to the pictures (which were on different pages)
He thought I should go to the shop and buy a pizza.
The teacher and I melted with excitement.  He had seen my problem, thought of a solution, and communicated it well.
I wondered out loud if there was a healthier option.
He pointed to
'apple juice'.
SO exciting.
So cool.

Needless to say, I felt compelled to buy a chicken sandwich and an apple juice for lunch and go and eat it with him.

A very good day when communication happens.


  1. Oh Catriona!

    What a talented speechie! Your story made me cry with happiness.
    Keep up the most AWESOME work!


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