Friday, November 26, 2010

minute to win it night

Thanks person in TV world who thought of minute to win it.  It supplied a great night of fun material for our end of year kids club break up with heaps of church and community families attending.  It was crazy, loud, sugar loaded, touching, exciting and fairly injury free - all the things a kids club night should be.  God has done great things through this ministry.

The games we played were:
- the one where you move the cracker down your face moving only your facial muscles (a crowd favourite)
- the one where you wrap someone up in toilet paper like a mummy without breaking the paper
- the one where you keep two balloons in the air for a minute
- the one where you strap a pedometer to your head and see how many times you can shake it
- the one where you have to blow up as many balloons as you can and then pop them
- the one where you see how many sandwiches you can spread in a minute
- the one where you throw ping pong balls into a bucket on someone's head and see how many go in

and, my personal favourite

- the one where you have a minute to clean up the whole hall

We used the minute to win it timer from youtube.  I need to install one at home and see if we can play such fantastic games as:
- minute to put away your washing
- minute to have a shower
- minute to get ready for school
- minute to do your homework
- minute to clean the chook pen....

It was also a bittersweet night as it was my last night at kids club as a leader.  I got a lovely unexpected gift and lots of parents and kids came and said thanks.  One beautiful little girl came and stood in front of me patiently as I was handing out some Christmas presents and organising clean up, and then gave me a quick hug and said thank you.  I have had a great time doing it - and there is a wonderful team taking it forwards.  But I will miss it!  Thank you everyone who has been part of the kids club team with me for the last five years.

Some evidence:

1 comment:

  1. It was indeed a very fun night- right up there with box-arama night
    Thank you again for your dedication for all the years- the kid's and families you've reached thank you too!!!!

    On a side note I'm thinking of substituting the cracker for assorted vegetables, and see if I can get them into Master 7.5!!!

    Love Lisa


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