Saturday, November 13, 2010


Today I helped the youth group with a sailing day.  I had to sail a laser (read - small boat) out of the canals at Raby Bay into the wilds of Moreton Bay, and then find the right beach where all the teenagers were.

I set off confidently down the canal, tacking past the million dollar boats and houses, until - just within sight of the mouth of the canal - I flipped the boat when the extension bit on the tiller got stuck up the back of my lifejacket.  So I floated for a while, pondering what I should do, then I swam the boat over to the barnacle covered rocks and managed to get going again (with thanks to Mat for being a gentleman!).  All was going well until I tried to come into the beach from way out in the bay.  Then I flipped it again. 
As I lay in the water, hanging onto the centreboard and wishing I had way more upper arm strength to get it upright again, and thinking Jessica Watson was very amazing to go around the world  by herself in a little boat - I thought 'how am I going to get out of here?'  Eventually the tide will wash me in....I'll just look up at the clear Brisbane sky, and pray a bit. 
After what seemed about a year of floating (probably ten minutes) a huge wave came and flipped the boat right back up again.
Thanks God.
So I sailed into the beach and sailed teenagers around all day, then sailed back down the canal in the afternoon.  And cannily avoided cleaning the boats by saying I had to look after my children.

Bruise count = 12 (five bumps on my head from the boom, a very impressive upper arm bruise which I don't remember getting, and legs that look like someone has taken to them with a big stick.)
Sunburn count = back of calves and lower back (didn't even notice my rashie riding up!)
Aching muscles count = all of them  Maybe I am getting too old for this....

Level of self satisfaction after canal manoeuvres = very very high..


  1. Catriona, I am very impressed... and even more so by the fact that you continue to post daily. I look forward to each one!

  2. I was wondering if you would have another adventurous trip like last year- well done for topping it! You are indeed an adventurous person, what a great job, and I'm glad the weather was wonderful for sailing!



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