Saturday, March 26, 2011


Today on a whim - when I had some unexpected child free time in the local Westfield - I stopped at a booth in the middle of the walkway (I was going to say mall but felt way too American) that proclaimed Free Style Session for 15 Minutes.  Well, I thought,  I have 15 minutes to burn, let's see what this young filly has to say.

I have never been stylish.  Ever.  Even as a much lighter groovy uni going young thing.  I like boots and shorts and comfort and interesting necklaces and scarves.  And have been known to buy two of the same item of clothes because I like the way they fit.  Hence the 'sameness' of my style.

So we sat down and she gave me a voucher for a free coffee - off to a good start.  And I actually liked the clothes she was wearing - even though she was about twelve and very blonde. 

She was not derogatory, she complimented my current outfit, and she smiled a lot.  She did not try to sell me anything.  And she gave me the following tips on what I could wear that would suit me:
- 'v' neckline with details like frills or buttons - draws the eye up towards the face and away from the round tummy
- something that pulls in at the waist that gives an hourglass shape
- length just above or just below my knee - not mid calf or mid thigh - it just screams attention onto the chunky bits
- boots the same colour as tights eg black tights black boots
- jeans that say 'mid rise' on the label - not hipster - and make them a bootleg cut
- no thin straps
- shapewear undies

All was sounding good and achieveable - until she said "I think you would look great in a leopard print".  Then I know our age gap was too great and we would never reconcile the difference.

Style.  It passes me by.


  1. LOL

    I too would have let a very long pregnant pause, come between those words and my response. It sounds as if it was helpful overall ( roar...... meeow pussycat)

  2. Tell me you did not take notes!

    Her advice sounds pretty solid, if I could even get around to looking in a mirror a couple of times a week I'd be ahead.

    I love your style as it is, and you have an awesome collection of necklaces.

  3. I don't think you should dismiss the Leopard Print so quickly. I think it would be a great outfit for kid's talks

  4. I also want to commend this blog for having the world's easiest word verification's

  5. I like to keep it simple - really I have no control over the verifications!


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