Sunday, July 10, 2011

bloom where you are planted

I have spent the last week participating in the kids holiday program at church.  It was a fantastic week of people pulling together and using the gifts God has given them - from baking to talking to playing with kids to crafting to singing to organising to wiping snotty noses to making coffee to praying to acting ridiculous.  I used what God has given me in spades.  Which is the skills to completely overact with a puppet.

Dizzy meeting her fan base.  I really like this picture - I never usually get to see what the kid's faces are like.

Lisa and I really got into a rhythm of performance this week - very very funny. We had a script as a more of a general guide, and went on secret spy missions every day.  I think this year we overdid the props and preparation a bit - but we now have a new appreciation for scriptwriters.  We even did fingerprint scans using an old scanner.  And had a secret tunnel with a hair dryer for wind effects.

I also learned three new chords for the ukelele as we used the Zaccheus song transposed up a fourth and added a djembe for 'spice'.

So what has amazed me over the last week is the ability people have to grow in the space they have.  I have watched young people blossom and children grow in their faith.  God planted us all together in one space for a week, and the sowing and harvesting was plentiful.  I feel blessed to be in a place and around people where my creativity can flourish.  And even though I have itchy feet from time to time and think the grass is greener in a different job, a different town, a different place - I know now more than ever to bloom where I am planted.

1 comment:

  1. Preach it Sister! I couldn't agree with you,more! This week is amazing, and my energy levels soar being surrounded by like minded people. Different people, different strengths, and different capabilities- all doing their best for the glory of God. Dr Who scriptwriters here we come- maybe?


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