Tuesday, July 5, 2011

lactic acid love

pre run smiles
It is two days post 5km run.  And there is not too much build up of lactic acid in my muscles. I distinctly remember a physiology exam in second year uni when the 30% question was 'what is lactic acid?' with an expected essay style question of two pages.  I wrote 'it is in muscles'.  That's it.  Four words.  And that is still about all I know about lactic acid.

I know I have some in my muscles now.

The Gold Coast marathon fun run was pretty good.  I even ran about a third of it - a huge improvement on my triathlon running leg effort last year.  Maybe my training is paying off.  The atmosphere was great.  It was an early start for our family and we paid for it later with tired girls.  But I have now competed in an international event.  With 25000 other people.

The guy who won the marathon did it in 2 hours 10 minutes.  That is ridiculously fast.  That is running at 20km an hour for 2 hours.  That is faster than some traffic.

I don't think I can ever think I would run that fast.  Unless it was running away from a monster.  Or running for a plane.

and we start!

I am running.  Catherine is laughing at me.
Is it because I was only running for the camera?

crazy person in the fun run

200 m to go and we are still smiling
Striding into the finish!
we are fun runners.  we have medals.
cheering Sam on - doing the full  42km marathon.
My sign was fairly generic -
it gave many runners encouragement - GO MAN!
Sam at the 32km mark - keep going!  (he made it)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! super proud of you. well done - Bridge to Brisbane next?


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