Friday, March 1, 2013

the Egyptian

So I have been going to this training group at the gym now for about 10 months.  I try to go three mornings a week at 6.30 am.  Benefits = better mental health, no sickness for the last year, strength and toning.  Non-benefits = minimal weight loss.  Benefit and non-benefit combined = the Egyptian trainer.

The trainer our little group has had since last Christmas has been a guy who I think learned how to get people fit for the army.  He is very tough in a menacingly friendly way.  And he does not beat around the bush.  I whinge and carry on about doing planks and squats.  He tells me it is to get rid of my fat.  I ask him did he cry when his last slave collapsed.  He makes me do jumps onto a step and squat walks holding a medicine ball.  I moan about doing 100 sit ups with weights.  He tells me he will buy a special pair of scissors to cut off my love handles.

There is a special relationship between a trainer and his training group.  We come and exercise and whinge and sweat.  He dreams up new ways to make our muscles ache.

But I have achieved my goal of fitting into my ski pants in 8 weeks.  Quiet yay.  I can also now hold a plank for 3 consecutive 30 second lots. Very quiet yay.

I am worried when I com back from the trip that my group will be extremely fit and I will have to work extra hard to catch up.  And I am pretty sure the Egyptian will be all over my case to make it happen.
This is exactly what I look like doing a plank.  Exactly.  Not sweaty and puffy and shaky......

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