Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Traveling day twenty-one - in which I finally eat many dumplings

It was so lovely to see my school friend again who lives in Wuhan.  We are staying with her family for a few days while we check out the city and do some volunteering.

This morning we took a bus trip to see a Buddhist temple.  Interesting.....not sure I loved all.....

And this afternoon Deanne and I had a wonderful opportunity to catch up with some of the Chinese locals I met last time I was here.  We visited the kindy that they run, and gave a talk about storytelling and literacy (planned and prepared that morning).  They had excellent questions, and are running a very innovative kindergarten program for China.  It was wonderful to follow up on relationships from 18 months ago and see dreams becoming little realities for these forward thinking strong people.  We were going to catch the bus home, but Deanne and I were taken in a taxi right to our front door.

Talking about guided reading, puppets and storytelling at the kindy
participants in storytelling workshop
teachers at the Chinese kindy

walking to dinner

loved visiting with her!

mmmm dumplings

 For dinner we had many plates of dumplings.  Love them.  There is really nothing like Chinese dumplings and beer for dinner.  Mmmmmmm (*wiping drool off my mouth*).

Tomorrow we are being taken to a tea market.  And I will get an opportunity to visit with some more kids with disabilities.


1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmmm dumplings! I bet they taste better in China too :)
    How intriguing to visit a Chinese kindy! (I'm a school teacher with a K-2 class here on Norfolk Island). Oh how I wish I could be a fly on the wall and observe their day. Your trip is fascinating!


Love to hear from you...just so I know there is someone out there!