Friday, August 9, 2013

ladder in the kitchen

I found an old wooden ladder on council pickup on our street.  I dragged it home and said to Chris with eyes full of designer dreams - let's put it in the kitchen.  Lovely man that he is, he just sanded it, measured where to drill the holes for the screws, and mounted it.  He has also replaced the ancient wooden window with a new wooden window.  Yay. 

Now my (before unrealised) dream of having a ladder in the kitchen has come true.

Before ladder (old kitchen decorating - I had a theme of utensils everywhere)

After ladder mounting.  Fun times on a Thursday night.

I had to move my clock from one wall to the other.  My eyes keep going to where the clock used to be, only to be met with blank wall NOT telling the time.

Shiny saucepans all hanging in a row!

Not bad for a cheap way to spruce up the kitchen.
Ladder = free
Chains and hooks = $60
Saucepans = from my cupboard
Husband labour.....priceless....


  1. I have ladder envy! It looks FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks - it is inspiring me to keep my kitchen clean


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