Friday, June 10, 2011

mickey stories: chapter twelve

I have a small friend called Mickey.  Well, he is getting taller all the time.  He has an inventive and curious mind that cannot leave something well enough alone, like a terrier with a rat or a mother wanting to find out what happened at school.

Mickey was outside for a while one day, long enough for his mother to wonder what he was doing.  When he walked past the window with a hammer she felt the need for investigation.

Mickey had discovered the terracotta pipe that lead across the footpath into the storm water drain.  Parts of it were exposed.  He decided he needed to smash the pipe with a hammer to SMITHEREENS.

"Why? Why?" his mother asked as she was wrestling the hammer off him.

Eyes gleaming with the promise of excitement he exclaimed:
"To see the fountain!'

Mickey is right.  Under all of us, lurking beneath the surface of the earth, are fountains just waiting and hoping to be released.

Maybe Mickey is the first fountain freedom fighter I have met.

Fountains - for too long you have been repressed in pipes

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