Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I really love my slow cooker.  Yes it produces nice food - current favourite recipes include chili beef, greek lamb shanks, and beef stew with dumplings - but mostly I love it because of the smugness satisfaction I feel all day as it bubbles away in the kitchen.

It nestles within the flotsam of the kitchen bench (seriously why does our bench attract so much debris - it's like a wave has come and left a line of seaweed that looks like paper and pencils and bit of dolls and hairbrushes and random fruit and plastic containers), holding it's slow cooked goodness until we all come home and dinner is ready.

During the day if I think about dinner I have a satisfied smirk on my face.  I am sorted.  And the house smells amazing when we come home.

On Monday I even managed to go to the gym VERY EARLY (at least just after 6 am), come home and put on the slow cooker, make lunches, help with homework, feed the chooks and tidy up the kitchen all before school drop off.  I am sure this is what real morning people do, but for me it was a super achievement.  I can feel my super cape billowing in the wind behind me.  I did crash later in the day and needed a restorative cup of tea.

But dinner was SORTED.



  1. Ba haha. I'm all about the restorative cuppa. You rock. xx

  2. Thanks Fi! Loving your going's on at the farm


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