Friday, February 22, 2013

My fun kid

Gabby has always made us laugh. As a baby she had a delicious infectious giggle and as a kid she has an incredible sense of comic timing. Is that kind of thing inherited? I hope I inherit some from her.

Seem recent Gabby gems include:
- while listening to classic FM in the car on the way to school (side note - I have never listened to Wiggles in the car. The driver controls the radio, and I plan to hold onto that for as long as I can) there was an ad on for a new album of opera arias coming out. Gab remarks 'I don't think I could do two hours'. 'What?' I say distracted by my own thoughts and driving. 'Well' she says 'I could probably listen to one hour of opera but not two. The ad said there was two hours of opera on the CD, so we probably shouldn't get that one.' 'Ok' I chortled.

- I was asking her to get ready for school one morning that I was also trying to get to work this week. I said 'what can you get done while I am in the shower?', trying to fire up a competitive spirit and make things happen. 'This sudoku', she replies deadpan.

She is a joy to have around.

Except when she is whining that she is hungry.


  1. Oh Gab. Maybe you're the sort of girl who would be asleep after one hour of opera? If so, I'm sure the second hour would be really easy to take!

    Catriona, if you gave her a "hard" sudoku, would that entitle you to a reeeeally long shower?

  2. taking a shower when I can get it is important to me


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