Sunday, October 20, 2013

I met a problem solver

I have been teaching year three RE (Religious Education) all year on a Thursday morning.  It is a volunteer job - I love it.  The 8 year olds are really fun and curious, and it is great to enter into their classroom and share in their lives.  They love being craftastic and dramatic.

However, there has been one little problem each week.  They are so keen to be helpful and carry my bags to the next classroom that an almost fight breaks out as to who is going to carry my bag.  Each week I try to pick different kids, but sometimes I just choose the child who is In My Face.

Last week a dear girl put up her hand and suggested that pulling names out of a bag would be a better solution.  I promptly delegated back and said great idea, do you want to organise it.

So this week I turned up on Thursday and was presented with this

She had gone above and beyond.  Covered, labelled, names inside.  I had met one of life's problem solvers.  Who solved problems with grace and style.  I wouldn't be surprised if I saw her name in a few years working out solutions to cancer, or traffic problems, or global warming, or anything she put her mind too.  She is one of those bright as a button kids.  And the rest of the kids in the class accepted the names pulled out of the tin to be my helpers graciously and well.

What a privilege.


  1. Teaching tomorrow's leaders...a priviledge indeed! This blog post put a smile on my dial :)

  2. Was her name Catriona? Katrina?


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