Sunday, June 9, 2013

keep meaning to....

I keep meaning to write on the blog - but then I get distracted.  By work, kids, TV, sleeping, washing, driving, reading, chatting, socialising, writing, performing, driving, watching TV, reading, kids, lazing....
Things are happening in our lives.  Wonderful things and hard things.  Daily things and once in a lifetime things.  Time trickles past and before I know it is three weeks later.

Once in a lifetime things.  Like Annika standing up for her faith and being baptised.  No prompting from us.

I might have cried quite and lot and been a bit of an emotional wreck.

She showed a maturity and eloquence I was blessed to witness.  Check out this video of her testimony:

And daily things like growing children - encouraging them, backing off, pushing forward, letting them be.  It is like a dance of tolerance of instruction, guidance and love.

How do you get kids to do piano practice?

I guess at some point they start pushing off from the jetty and sailing off by themselves.  From when they are small and stamp their independent feet at you, to when they are tall and run with their friends.

Now this is turning into a mummy blog.

At the life.....

it is what it is.


  1. What a special moment for you all. Hmmmm.....piano practise? We pay our two to do it!!!!!!!! I Know, I know...but it works. Plus we use a timer - time earned tickling the ivories earns screen time (ipad, computer etc)
    A dance of tolerance and instruction, guidance and love - I love your words! You describe parenting perfectly!

  2. How willingly the children do the piano practice is a good indicator of my current parenting skills....
    I found out on Thursday they work hard for new apps


Love to hear from you...just so I know there is someone out there!