Friday, September 13, 2013

running away to join the circus

After a concerted pleading effort by my oldest daughter in the first half of the year - I relented and let her do circus classes.  With flying trapeze.

It is a bit of an unusual extra-curricular thing to do - but she loves it.  I think it is awesome for her fitness and trust and self-confidence and meeting different kids.  She loves the flying trapeze and the tissu.

You can check her out getting a catch on the trapeze here:

The trainers at Flipside Circus are great, and treat the kids really well.  Annika has her first show coming up and she has been chosen to go on the tissu.  Heights don't really worry her (complete opposite to me - I start shaking and my blood runs cold when I am further than my own height off the ground).  She also loves balancing on the globe ball.  Pretty much anything high where she can climb.  Monkey child.

Circus is not that cheap, so she wasn't going to be able to do it next term.  But her teacher sent emailed a grant opportunity from the federal government called Creative Young Stars.  I figured - I can fill out a form.  So I did.  And we were the fortunate recipients of a grant - yay!!  So Annika has one more term of hanging around upside down.

So every Saturday morning I spend watching my oldest child swing and climb high.  With a big smile on her face.  I just hope she doesn't run away to join the circus.  I would miss her too much!
This is a picture of someone doing tissu - not my daughter, just an image search person


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