Thursday, May 3, 2012

job completed

Some people may say I am a little task focused.  This is sometimes a good thing, sometimes annoying.  But some things you just have to let go for a little while, as they are not a priority.  For say, 16 years.

When we first moved into our house we thought we may do something with the driveway.

It was a little rough, every car attempting to enter it scraped the underside, and walking on it in barefeet was tough.

But we learned how to get in and out of it well, toughened up our feet, and watched it flow down the hill in thunderstorms.

Then through a combination of saving and unexpected support we finally had enough to CONCRETE THE SUCKER.  (Sorry, got a bit excited).

I have been looking at driveways in Brisbane for, umm, about 15 years, and I have decided the way to go was plain concrete.  Everything else grows weeds, gets mouldy and dates.  I have had a long research lead time on this one.  A longitudinal study of driveways in my neighbourhood.  Plain concrete is not trendy.  But it cleans up well under high pressure.

So men arrived with a digger. (And a handy skip that I have been throwing stuff into all week).

And some concrete.  I sat and watched them while I was eating my cheese toastie for lunch.  I made several helpful comments, just to encourage them. Fortunately they were kind and helpful concretors, and did not concrete me into the driveway for being a public nuisance.

They spent ages smoothing it down and making sure it was all tickety-boo.  And I am sure they used that phrase - 'Yep Trev - it is at tickety-boo stage, we can call it a day'.

And now we have a lovely smooth driveway to come home to.  I almost don't think it is the right house, so attuned am I to the crunch of gravel and the violent rocking of the car as it negotiates the broken footpath.

It is a small thing, but I am thankful.  And so are my bare feet.

And my fear of passing pedestrians breaking an ankle on our driveway has subsided.  I am sure the postman did a little fist punch of delight as he posted the letters today.  He had a smooth run down the hill.

1 comment:

  1. it's almost sad . that driveway did sort of help define the joint


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