Sunday, May 6, 2012

riding along on my push bike...

On a glorious Brisbane autumn Sunday afternoon we all set off on a bike ride with friends around the wilds of Carindale.

I have been reflecting on what is important, what I spend my time chasing, getting a little depressed that it seems an endless round of house chores, feeding people and striving to complete jobs.  All those earnest people out there are saying 'enjoy every moment, live in the present, wonder at your children, enjoy, enjoy.'  And I feel bad if I am not ABSOLUTELY enjoying everything all the time,  because don't I have it?  Beautiful children, friends, a garden, a husband who loves me, a new driveway?

I was reading Phillip Yancey's book today about 'A Skeptics Guide to Faith', and the chapter I was reading talked about just those feelings.  That somehow we have been fed the lie that everything has to be wonderful all the time.  In fact, it is is the small everyday things that you do that turn into the bigger reflection of who you are.  The way you wash the clothes or drive your child to ballet.  The way you greet a stranger or welcome a friend.  In everyday life is the presence of God.  How you live a day is how you live your life.  The decisions - to be impatient with piano practice or kind when they fall over.  Our lives are the small choices we make each moment. 

Not necessarily enjoying each moment.  Because some moments are definitely NOT enjoyable.  But by making the mundane sacred, and living the ordinary life extraordinarily well, each moment passes with joy.

Even with muddy dogs.

This post got a little deeper than I planned than when I uploaded the photos!  I obviously have a lot on my mind about where my energy should be focused.

Thanks for listening - any thoughts?


  1. I agree. And if we celebrated and valued the mundane more, we wouldn't all be as disappointed with the ordinary.

  2. Go Scooter, a muddy dog IS a happy dog! How old does Annika look? 16?


Love to hear from you...just so I know there is someone out there!