Monday, May 14, 2012

my casual life

So mother's day was great - a wonderful sleep in (thanks to my sister who had both the children for a sleepover), my favourite breakfast, some jobs done around the house and reading the paper.

Being a mum has certainly changed me.  You are forced into unselfishness and reliance on others.  It is like a little piece of your heart is out there skipping around in the world and you need to protect it, push it, love it, cuddle it, scold it and cherish it.

I asked the girls to write me a poem for mother's day.  And here is what Gabby thinks I do in my casual life.

Annika's slightly esoteric offering.

And pink love from the mother's day stall at school.

I am so blessed by my children.  They stretch and tangle me with love.

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