Sunday, May 20, 2012

promise fulfilled

About 15 months ago we promised the girls we would go to Seaworld.  It kept getting postponed due to lack of funds, rain, other commitments and poor motivation.  But  yesterday the sun shone beautifully in the Brisbane autumn, we had half price entry from a voucher and we had no other commitments.  SO off to Seaworld we went!

Highlights of the day include:
- Annika being chosen out of the crowd to touch and feed the dolphin at the dolphin show
- the high ropes climbing (I minded the bags for that one)
- the emperor penguins - I would love one to just toddle around a my house and look imperial
- eating lunch from the esky in the carpark (we did not spend any money on food or drinks at Seaworld!)
- Annika's face after getting off the jet rider - I think it was a bit fast (I minded the bags)
- Gabby going on the flume ride three times after being nervous about it

Highlights did not include:
- me falling flat on my back and smashing my wrist after trying to leap a barrier at the flume ride - owwww and total embarassment
- leaving the camera in the car for the first part of the day so I didn't get a photo of the dolphin action!

 We quite liked the jet ski upside down action.

Cool. Penguins.

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