Monday, May 28, 2012

not much blogging

not much blogging going on here.  Instead I have been
- going to a 4-day conference on inclusive technologies (Spectronics) - it was pretty awesome.  My head is so full of stuff about how to use ipads in the classroom and developing literacy in special schools that it is going to take a while to filter down into my daily work
- singing hard songs in choir
- riding bikes with the girls - they are fast now!
- having lovely dinners, lunches and cups of tea with lots of lovely people.  Ahh, socialising, it rocks my world
- planning and preparing and thinking - lots of performances, training and action coming up in the June/July holidays
- hiding under a quilt - it has turned far too cold in Brisbane.  It is BELOW 20!!  DEGREES CELSIUS!
- reading awesome novels for book club - Anna Karenina - I feel all Russian and dramatic
- learning about who our idols are (for me - probably the ipad), and who we should focus on instead (Jesus)

I will try and remember to take pictures and document things.  But mostly I am just living it at the moment!

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