Sunday, March 13, 2011


There is an eight year old in the house.  My baby is now eight.  Eight.  That is quite big.  And she started so tiny!  Every older mother said to me when my two girls were young 'watch out it will go too quickly'.   I scoffed 'ha ha' never really seeing the end of nappies and tantrums and constant physical demands.  But now I believe them.  They were the longest days and the shortest years of my life.

She was so small like a red curly haired dolly.  That sucked her bottom lip and played with her belly button.

Now she is tall and funny and caring and she wants to be a paediatric nurse at the Mater Hospital.  And she sucks her bottom lip and plays with her belly button.

My amazing husband the cake decorator made her a pony cake - she is going through a pony phase at the moment and I have let her have fortnightly horseriding lessons.  She loved her pony cake.

Eight is an amazing age. 

Happy birthday my beautiful girl.

1 comment:

  1. EIGHT!?!? wowsers. Happy birthday gorgeous girl. And nice going on the cake, Daddy!!!!


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