Thursday, March 17, 2011

teaching RE to grade three

I have hit the ground running with RE this year.  Four classes of grade threes on a Thursday morning.  I really like it, and I like the relationship I have with the kids after getting to know them all last year.  They love dramas and craft and little videos (especially from Max7).  And their personalities are wonderful.

Great things that happened today:
- one of the boys who was very difficult last year and very shy and rolled around the floor a lot sat and listened the whole time today and came and asked me three questions - persistance and encouragement pays off - and catering to kinesthetic learners
- I told the story of the Good Samaritan five different ways in one lesson (using little stick puppets, straight from the Bible, on a little video, in a song and from a storybook)- I think they got the point in the end!
- when I challenged the kids to think about how they could be a Good Samaritan one little girl said she had no-one to play with at lunchtime.  Another precious girl whom I love to bits put her hand up and said (and these are her own words) that she had an 'opening' in her friendship group and this girl was welcome to join them. 

Nearly fell off my chair with delight.

What a blessing to be with 8 year olds as they hear the words of Jesus for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. Well done good and faithful servant! I have always admired your persistence. I'm a bit curious as to how there came to be an 'opening' in the group - did someone die??!!


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