Friday, April 1, 2011


I heard a great description on Miranda the other night (by the way funniest show ever) where she said that as an adult you should only run if you are near a train station and look at your watch.  Having agreed with this for nearly all of my life - I have started mild running training in preparation for this.  Well, the 5 km part.

This afternoon I did gruelling laps of the park working up to a slow jog.  I would say to myself  'just to the next tree' 'just to the dead toad' 'just out of slight earshot of the girls as they are having a big fight on the flying fox'  (they were still within eyesight).

I am slightly improving.

The friends I am doing the 5 km run with think we should have a safety word so we can slow down to a walk.  And no-one will be judged on the use of the walk safety word.  Which will probably be 'puff puff puff stop I'm dying let's walk' - that is a good safety phrase I think.

Maybe as the kilos get left behind as I jog along the path it will get easier.  I always like to imagine little molecules of me flying off as I run them away.

Running is not my natural default position.  I think my natural default position is sitting having a cup of tea and a chat and a giggle.  I could definitely do 5 km of that if it was measurable.

1 comment:

  1. Flying fat molecules!... sounds like an episode of Dr Who. Congrats on the great work you're putting in and continue to go hard at it!


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