Sunday, November 13, 2011

a golden treasure from the girls

Exciting developments in the chook house!

What?  What has happened?
I found a egg.  The production has started.

Admittedly it was a very tiny egg.  But I am told they start tiny.  And Dorcus, or Lydia, or Milly, or Minny, had laid it in exactly the right place.

Yum. Breakfast.

For a not very hungry elf.

'Was it your egg Dorcus?'

Excellent work chooks.  My expectations are high now.


  1. well done girls- at this rate no one is going to be christmas lunch!

  2. Oh those beautiful Isa Brown fluffy bottoms. I love them. Henry walked into the chook house the other day and frightened a chook about to lay and she laid an egg right as she ran by him. Almost into his hand. It was the most exciting thing ever.


Love to hear from you...just so I know there is someone out there!