Sunday, September 30, 2012

happy happy happy happy happy anniversary

Chris and I have been married 17 years today.

Gosh we look young in this photo.  Chris' hair!  My waist! No wrinkles!

I have a theory.  It is called the "windscreen theory".  Just like when you drive and you look THROUGH the windscreen past all the bugs and cracks and smears of slime to the road ahead - a person's face is like a windscreen,  You look THROUGH what they look like to the road ahead, to how they treat others and what shines beneath.  Sometimes I even forget what people look like, and only when I take a step back do you realise how they have changed - because you are concentrating on the person inside.  That's how is is with your husband of I think.  I don't see the cracks and the smears - I see the one I love.

He has been a wonderful husband - loyal, caring, dashingly handsome.  He is a good leader and makes wonderful curry.

He helps me to fly with my ideas and projects and puts a healthy dose of realism into some of my more farfetched schemes.

It's interesting in couples how they end up working as a team.  Often one person does the money more than the other (Chris).  Or thinks up the crazy ideas (me).  Or considers decisions carefully (Chris).  Or impulsively gets a puppy (me).  Or does things at the last minute (Chris).  Or is prepared two weeks ahead of time like a girly swot (me).  It's good how that works out. 

He follows Christ and cherishes our family.  He fixes things and quietly makes awesome stuff happen.  'Ask Chris Pine' is a phrase used by many many people.

He is an excellent father putting his girls high up and parenting them with grace and truth.

This journey is long.  And I am glad, blessed and grateful he is by my side.

Because he is also very silly like me.


  1. Your wedding pics remind me of how you both looked when I first met you in Nov 1993! And now reminds me of ... now. Happy Anniversary!

  2. What a beautiful post, Catriona. Thanks for writing. I'm actually quite teary!!

    I LOVE you and Chris, and your two gorgeous girls, and am constantly and seriously thankful God allowed me to spend my little lifespan occur in the same time and place as both of you.

    Happy anniversary! xx


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