Sunday, September 9, 2012

mickey story chapter fourteen

I have a small friend called Mickey. He is cheeky and often single minded about certain topics.  I have not written about him in a while, but he continues to amaze and amuse me with his mind.  I cannot wait to see what he does with his life. It will be a surprise.

This is a story from last week as retold to me by his mother last night.

Mickey's great grandad passed away a week ago.  And while they were at the after funeral afternoon tea a kind auntie decided to amuse all the small boys gallooting around the sombre gathering by taking them outside to look for lorikeet feathers.  Lorikeets and other native birds were very plentiful at the house, and the auntie thought this would be a pleasant activity for young boys.

Unfortunately, even though there were several eagle eyed young lads searching the underbrush, no lorikeet feathers were found.  However, the kind auntie found a dead lorikeet resting peacefully under a tree.  Cradling it gently in a serviette she gave a short speech about how the lorikeet was resting peacefully now, probably mindful of the several family members and funeral guests inside the house.  She asked the boys what she should do with it, thinking they may have a short backyard bird buriel.

Mickey, task focused and eyes on the job, replied 'Pluck its feathers'.

He saw a mother-lode of lorikeet feathers.  The auntie did not know quite what to say.

As I said, Mickey can be single-minded.

not just one lorikeet feather here...

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