Monday, September 24, 2012

It's not you, it's me

So I have been going to group training sessions at the gym three days a week now for about six months. We have a little group that meets with a trainer early in the morning, it doesn't cost any more than my gym membership. We do sit ups and push ups and step ups and pull ups and knee ups, and we trash talk the trainer like only a group of middle aged women in the early morning can. He makes us run fast on the treadmill when he gets tired of our conversations about bodily functions, children and general exercise trash talk.

But on Wednesday he said 'this is my last session with you - the gym wants me to do personal training instead of take this group'.

We were shocked. We had to verbally process this several times, and than go through all the break up phrases we knew. I had to sing Taylor Swift's new song to him - weeee will never ever get back together - until he made me run fast on the treadmill so I couldn't sing.

I felt hurt and betrayed. We had an exercise relationship. He knew how fast we could go and how much we could lift before we threw medicine balls at him in protest. And it is a gift to be encouraging and supportive of grumpy women in the morning.

So I will have to move on and make start at another group training session. Embrace the change. Grump grump grump. I was getting good at running. I was actually slightly enjoying exercising and reaching goals.

Maybe I will take up hip hop dancing instead.

1 comment:

  1. The six months of hard training is paying off, because your body is looking good
    Here's to the next group training group!?,


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