Thursday, March 1, 2012

it's the climb

to quote M. Cyrus.  At the moment I feel like there is a big mountain for me to get through - conference on Saturday, Gab's birthday with accompanying jobs (cupcakes for school - epic fail by the way - tiny lame things), packing up to go away for a week next week, the house needs quite a bit of attention - really - it's like a toddler following after me going mum mum mum mum mum mum - a pergola to take down and put on council pickup (an extremely satisfying job - when we come back things will have disappeared thanks to the magical city council pickup), children to Get To Places, husbands to actually talk with and not tag like a relay runner handing over a baton...

let's see if there is a google image of mountain climbing

 Oh yeah.

That's actually not me.  At all.  I hate heights and my abs are a little more hidden under comfortable layers.


This is not me either.

Actually maybe likening my next couple of days to a mountain climb is a poor metaphor.

It is more like this.


Just putting one foot in front of the other and trusting it will all be okay.  Maybe climbing a small incline.  With frequent breaks.  And friends,  And cups of tea.

So Miley the song should go like this - 'it's the small incline with some time set aside for relationships and the satisfaction of getting jobs done' - except that would probably destroy the meter and her sugar pop message.

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