Monday, March 12, 2012

thanks for noticing but....

A conversation I had the other day:

Not Me:  You look like you have lost some weight
Me: Why thank you (inwardly preening and gloating, and thinking how good it was I have been on the 'no snacks' regime again since the beginning of the year)
Not Me:  Around your jawline
Me:  My what?
Not Me: Yeah - around your face - you look thinner.

Around my jaw!!  I do not want to lose weight around my jaw!  I want to lose it around my tuckshop arms, or my tummy, or my butt, or even my calves so I can get high boots.  Not my jaw.  My jaw is quite chiselled enough.


Maybe it is starting from the top down.  The next area to look thinner will be my neck.  Then I will be like a big round apple with a tiny stalk on the top.  Or like a modelling balloon that has a bit left at the end to make the poodle's tail.

Makes me want to eat a bag of chips covered in chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo, losing weight full stop! Keep up the good work.


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