Friday, December 24, 2010

book hand

I am in Armidale at the moment - on the cold slopes of New England.  At Christmas time I am wearing jeans, jackets, scarves, and huddling under the doona at night.  I love being here, but there is one thing that is a problem in Armidale in the cold, and I have not found a solution for it yet.

Cold book hand.

You know, when you are reading a book in bed at night, which I do every night for about an hour, and the hand holding the book gets really cold.

It sounds very trivial I know.  But it concerns me. 

But maybe I am in a place where cold book hand can be a concern.  I am very blessed and grateful for all the things I do have - family to love, books to read, a house to live in, Christmas ham to eat tomorrow, and friends to play with.

Maybe I should get a glove and stop complaining about cold book hand.


  1. Yeah, get a glove you Grenfell Grumbler!!

    While you're out, can you pick me up some more socks? Thanks

  2. omg i get cold book hands too!!! and you can't buy normal fingered gloves cos then you can't turn the pages.. the only solution i have found is gloves + tweezers to turn pages or hobo gloves (probably not the technical term, but gloves with the tips cut off so your fingers aren't suddenly an inch thick). I kind of think it's part of the adventure of reading though. Nothing like the adrenaline of a cliffhanger chapter plus numb fingers!
    moni joy


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