Thursday, November 11, 2010

mickey stories; chapter one

I have a young friend.  Let's call him
To protect the innocent.

He is an inventive person with a cheeky smile.  He always wants to see how things work.

I feel compelled to document parts of his life as his mother will not believe she lived through it when he is older.  And as she is currently Mickey-wrangling I can take the role of Mickey-chronicler.

Here is a true story.

One day Mickey's mum was hanging out the washing.  A normal, everyday task that needs to be done.  Mickey was about two and a half.  She heard him inside laughing and talking to himself, with some occasional splashing.  'Great' she thought 'he is amusing himself'.  She continued pegging up the undies and socks.
Until she heard screaming from Mickey.
Running inside she found him inside the top loading washing machine as it started the agitation cycle.  To get rid of dirt and blood and stains.
He had climbed into the washing machine and pushed some buttons until water started coming out.  He happily splashed in the running filling water until the machine decided it was ready to agitate the load, upon which Mickey discovered it was more than a paddling pool.
Mickey was hauled quickly out of the machine
but not deterred.

More Mickey stories to come.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. This is HILARIOUS Catriona!! Love. It.
    I'm looking forward to more Mickey Chronicles... ;)


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