Thursday, November 18, 2010

puppet theatre

I thought I would take a couple of quick photos of the puppet theatre I made for the girls a few years ago (with some help from a sewing friend - I am not a sewer - I have the vision - others support me in the sewing part of the vision).  They use it fairly often, as puppetry in the home is modeled by their mother. 

It is based on no design except the one from my head.  I bought a clothes rail horse thing from Kmart, then made the material to fit around it.  I used thickish navy cotton and shiny sparkly red fabric.
Here is it with the curtains open.  You can un-velcro the puppet navy bit and it becomes a stage with red curtains.
Here it is from behind.  There are yellow pockets down the side bits of fabric to store props, extra puppets, snacks, your little sister...
And here are the performers modeling the theatre again.  I also made a big yellow bag for it to go in for storage.  It takes up as much room as...ummmm... a big fold up camping chair.  It lives up the top of a cupboard when not in production.
As far as I know this is the only clothes rail puppet theatre I have seen.

On other exciting news, my wonderful husband is making my very own Logosdor puppet box. Yayy.  Here is a sneak peek....
I hope there is room in the box for the spa and the pony paddock that Dizzy (my puppet) insists on.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes!
    the new box MUST have those inclusions.
    Can't wait to see the finished construction



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