Sunday, January 2, 2011

geo caching

While we on holidays in Armidale we were introduced to geo caching by my sister-in-law. Basically this is like a treasure hunt.  For adults.  With GPS systems.  I don't think it is that nerdy...not really.  At least we were out in the great outdoors finding places around Armidlae I had never seen before.  And tramping through the bush.

What you do is register on a website and then find the spots where there are geo caches near you.  Then you enter the co-ordinates on your GPS system and follow it to the exact location of the cache - where you may find a little container with a logbook and maybe some toys and maybe a little key ring that has to keep travelling around the world.  There are apparently a million and a half caches around the world.  Our family has located four. It is kind of weird to think that all around us, hidden in secret spots, are little containers waiting to be discovered. 

To add to our possible nerdiness we also used walkie talkies from Aldi and made up code names as we geo cached.  Fun times.

Learning how to follow the GPS.

And we are off like a frog in a sock.

Tracking through the bush.
Finding little containers under logs - watch out for spiders!
Yay we found one.
 Geo caching - fun for all the family.

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