Friday, January 7, 2011

sibling dynamics

It is about week four in the summer break - and I am almost convinced I need to wear sports gear with a stripe down the side and a whistle around my neck as I referee my two children several million times a day about who said what or used what or had more attention or who had a treat.  Maybe if I had more children it may be easier - or they may gang up on each other.  The vying for attention and the detail spotting of who got more is phenomenal.  They will end up working in forensics as their abilities to discern the minutest part of inequality are honed in their childhood.

The oldest daughter is most often the creative director, screenwriter and producer of the events, and youngest daughter is the cast.  Sometimes the cast has an uprising and goes on strike against the demands of the show industry.  Most of the time it kind of works and a production is born.  I spend a lot of time watching shows from my daughters - so much time that I now insist that before I commit to sitting down to a viewing the daughters have:
- five rehearsals - two of them dress rehearsals
- storyboarding committed to paper
- costuming and prop requirements sorted
- music cued and ready
- cast all in the one place at the one time
- entrances and exits rehearsed
- ticketing and refreshments provided

This approach of unrealistic expectations has resulted in a high quality of childhood productions at the Pine household.

And I only have to watch one or two shows a day.  And referee only a few diva spats.

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