Friday, January 28, 2011

mickey stories; chapter eight

I have a small friend called Mickey.  This year he has started grade one.  He has completed one week.  Only twelve years minus one week of formal schooling to go.  I wonder how his teachers will remember him?

Today's Mickey memories are more little snapshots of his life rather than a whole story.

1.  Mickey sticky taped a live gecko to his wall.  When questioned why he answered 'so it will stay and be my friend and not run away like the others do'.  I think the other geckos were the quick smart ones and the sticky-taped gecko was the one who was a bit distracted - 'what are you saying guys?  There's a kid doing WHAT?  Where is he? Look - a moth ! yummmm....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'
2. Mickey's mum was coating pork cubes in flour for dinner ready for frying.  Mickey wandered into the kitchen and saw the plate of neatly dusted tasty cubes sitting on the bench, got super excited, and ran out to his sister yelling joyfully 'We are having TURKISH DELIGHT FOR DINNER!!!'
3. Mickey's mum found a whole lotta holes in the trampoline.  When interrogated Mickey confessed that he had been out jumping on the trampoline with a steak knife slashing holes in the mat.  And he then proceeded to demonstrate how he leapt around with a knife.  On a trampoline.  Slashing holes.  With a knife.
In time I plan to give Mickey's mother an Australia Day medal for bravery and courage under extreme duress.

But for now I count her as an awesome friend.  And a generous one for letting me share about Mickey for posterity.

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