Saturday, January 14, 2012

this is what happens to maths homework from last year

We make paper.  I had flashbacks to making 100 wedding invitations out of recycled paper - and I insisted on them being maroon.  I made recycled paper until my hands were dyed pink and my friends couldn't look me in the eye because I would fuss to them about paper pulp.  Katy and Pippa - true friends of the paper pulp bride.

We chucked in some lavender from the front garden.  Hopefully there were no beetles.

We paper mached. 

There are plans for a paper mache pig.  I am not sure what the cylinder will be...

Holidays are slipping away, receding like a wave, leaving behind the jetsam of time well spent in the summer - tanned legs, craft projects, laughs with friends, iceblocks and BBQs.  I can feel the need for school coming - the girls spent much of today playing a 'school game'.  Their books are covered, their pencils are labelled, and thir tummies are wriggling with the newness of an unknown teacher and class.

But for now we have one more week to make our own time.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!
    Sounds like tons of fun! What a great idea for " terrible" subjects.


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