Friday, February 17, 2012

Brilliance or laziness

I have decided that we are going to eat everything in our pantry. Some stuff has been lurking in there for months, and I just keep buying more without thinking. Tinned tomatoes, curry pastes, rice crackers - they will be made into a meal. We are only buying milk. And fresh fruit/veggies. I am going to make my family keep going until we can see the back of the cupboard. It will be like a pov version of ready steady cook. What can you make with pasta, half a jar of olives, frozen pastry and tinned tomatoes? And the mystery meat in the freezer?

It may also be that I hate going grocery shopping and avoid it at all costs. I read blogs about meal planning and buying at markets and making sure the food miles are low. I support all that - but I am the person who dashes to the shop at 6.15 to get a vital ingredient. I am in love with convenience. When I see a house in the remote wilderness I never think 'how romantic to get away from it all and live in the amazing outdoors', I think 'where do they get milk and bananas'.

So I will never be able to hold my head up high in the made from scratch group. Unless it is made from scratch from completely random stuff in the pantry. With a shop right nearby.


  1. It's what I do every couple of years when I have to change countries :-) Not very fun...but I'm sure it's different for you.

  2. Yes I've been reading that other blog, and thinking, " sorry, that's not me!" I'm totally a convenience girl too. What a great idea to rid the pantry though!

    1. I lasted a whole day.. I went shopping yesterday. We really needed toilet paper and all this stuff just fell into my trolley. I am the queen of making sweeping statements.


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