Sunday, July 8, 2012

and the week just hit me in the back of the head

Last week I spent doing the kids holiday program at church.  For me this involves helping set up (making church look like a castle with the help of some minions), puppeting up front all week and looking after the year 6 boys group.  It involves early starts and long days. Remembering scripts, props and crafts supplies.  Having good relationships with people and trying not to be cranky with my children when we get home.  Being able to tell about Jesus to kids who have not heard it before, and to kids who are on a journey of their own.  It was such a good week.

But it has just hit me in the back of the head.

The after holiday program SLAP in the face with a wet fish of housework reality and school and work and grocery shopping.

But reflecting on the week...

These are the collages I encouraged my boys group to do - they turned out beautifully!
(Background note - I was expecting to have a girls group and had planned to do collage - ended up with a boys group and stubbornly continued with the collage task - you know, since I had bought all the stuff and everything - I think they really liked it...really)

One of my favourite things I was involved in during the week was a dance elective.  We got to dance on the stage at the end of the week.  In Knight costumes.  I'm not going to say that wasn't my idea.  I wore blue.  I have a secret desire to be a backing dancer now.

We are so gangsta knight.

Lovely Lisa.  Love her.

I also was so encouraged to hear these boys singing and playing a song I had lyric ed (is that a word?).  The music was from a pop song and I just popped some words in from 1 Corinthains 13 about love.  It turned out well.

Puppeting.  In a castle.  Talking to a red knight.

Fun fun fun.  I am so blessed to be in a place where I can use the creative gifts God has given me with kids.  Surely complete silliness is a gift?


  1. Beautiful photos from CC Catriona!! Loved seeing what you guys were doing in the kids program... You guys as knights were just the best thing ever!! Wished I could have been IN the dance elective! So fun. And I sure don't think you're completely silly - but there's not a doubt in my mind that your incredible energy, inclusiveness and infectious enthusiasm are totally God-given gifts!! (although a bit of silliness is also pretty fantastic at times, ESP with kids.)

    And was a GREAT song! Heard Bruno Mars singing "Count on Me" whilst shopping at Coles last week, and thought (in all seriousness!), "what's he singing? Those aren't the words..." Haha! SO good having 1 Cor 13 rolling around in my and everyone's heads.

    Thanks for sharing this!! xx


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