Friday, July 20, 2012

take a step forward

No matter how grown up I think I am getting there are always little relationship stumbles.  One such little stumble happened today with mis-communications with a friend.

Initially I huffed and puffed, then through chance spoke to an older wiser woman who told me it is always better to take the step forward than to push with your arms back.

So I took the step forward.

And it was fine.

And I was glad I did.  All was smooth again and cleared up.  The path became clear, apologies were made and the little friendship speedbump is already receding in the rearview mirror.


On another note...

Here is a lovely photo of Gabby a friend took.

And here is me the same age.
Just wanted to share that I once had long blonde hair.  And that I wasn't always wise enough to take the step forward.


  1. Yay for maturation!. I only see Annika in your photo. We sooo could have been agnetha and Frida from ABBA. I had matching brown hair!

  2. Finally I've seen a old photo of you - now you need to post up a wedding photo :) - Bridget


Love to hear from you...just so I know there is someone out there!